IDEA # 4 Hard Hitting Road Safety Campaign with a Difference

Road safety is always a hot topic. No matter how safe we make cars we still can stop the stupidity of the people that drive them. I'm don't admit to being a perfect driver myself, but one thing that makes me slow down and makes me think about my actions is seeing those "make do" remembrance shrines that people set up at the accident site where they lost a friend or family member. Often they have flowers, teddy bears, photos and crosses. My idea is to highlight theses shrines even more by simply placing a red spot about the size of a dinner plate at each accident site to highlight to passing motorists that people die when they speed and do stupid things on our roads. This is what i propose we can do.  For one week each year everyone that has been affected by road trauma will have the opportunity to purchase a red spots for small price (just enough to cover costs). Then the person then places that spot at the location of theirs or their friend or family members road trauma, much like they currently do with flowers and other memorabilia. This would have to be accompanied with a hard hitting advertising campaign to create reality of dangerous driving to the motorists while they are driving.

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